BeReal is a social media app that asks users to take a quick snapshot of an ‘authentic moment’ during their day to share with their followers. 

It is formatted to make the user show their ‘real self’, something younger generations are eager to see in their digital lives. There are no filters or opportunities to stage the ‘perfect photo’ – what you see is what you get.

How does it work?

After a user signs up for an account (a process which takes less than a minute) they are instructed to make their first BeReal post via notification. They have two minutes to take a photo from the time the notification is sent. This notification is then repeated once a day at random times, the user is given a random 2 minute window to take the double sided photo of them and what they can see.

How is BeReal different from other apps?

  • Users can only post once a day and are notified to post within a two-minute window. If they miss the window, their post is marked as late.

  • No private messaging function. Only post comments, emojis, and ‘realmojis’ can be used to communicate with others.

  • Users cannot upload photos or use filters or other photo editing tools.

  • Claims to focus on ‘authenticity’ and being ‘real’ with others.

  • The App relies heavily on alerts on which a child could be waiting for an alert at inappropriate times
  • There are no privacy features, no parental controls and no blocking facilities.
  • The limited time to upload a photo may lead to a young person sharing more personal information than is necessary or safe. 

Please click here for more information

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